Tuesday 1 April 2008

Blog What!

I have no idea how this works. It is probably redundant as everyone has that facebook rubbish to communicate with but I am holding strong on that front. I will probably get bored of this in a few weeks and throw in the towel which is what usually happens but I will give it a shot.

The trip over was good via Hong Kong, loved it there as most of you would have known and we are currently in the UK. (Scaffolding in Honkers)

It has been pretty cold here as expected but you do get some sunshine. Also contrary to popular belif the beer is cold which is good. (Leah Freezing at the Oxford Vs Cambridge boat race)

Leah and I are staying with friends of her Auntie Paulines in St Albans about 20 minutes north of London on the train. Kay and Chris are very nice and we are very lucky to be staying with them until we find more permanent accomodation. We will duck into London tomorrow as Leah has an Interview with an agency.

I am finding it hard on the job front trying to find something in the design field. If i dont get anything in the next week or so I will try and get a labouring job somewhere.

Word (Us at Piccadilly Circus)


Kristin1283 said...

How exciting guys!! I think this is a great idea for keeping us all up to date on your trip! I will be writing you an email some time this week... I just figured I don't have much to write about so writing back all the time would be a waste of your time! LOL. I am definitely not doing exciting stuff like you guys! Can't believe it is snowing over there! How awesome.... ANyway, I am at work at the mo so I shall talk to you guys later. Keep having fun! xox


Finally worked it out, I had to sign up for some bloody google account (you 2 better appreciate me writnig back to you because google will probably send me 5000 bloody e-mails about crap now).

Hope you both having a good time.

Hey Eddie, I know James and I aren't the biggest soccer fans in the world but I think you should definately convince him to go and watch a game with you, i was talking to some dudes last week from pommy land and they said even if you don't like soccer the crowds are incredible and it's worth going just for that.


Big bro.