Monday, 19 May 2008

We finally have the internet at home!!!

Hello everyone!

I'm just going to give you all an overview of what's happened over the last month (since we moved into our place).

Firstly, work has been going great. I have been going to a whole heap of different schools all over London, carrying my little back pack containing a laptop and projector, which I use to do my presentations to year 6 kids. I have also been to random parks and youth centres where I have presented 10 minute scenarios to year 6 kids about safety on the undergound tube and on buses, which works on a rotating basis with Police, Firemen, Rescue Services etc... It is so much fun and to make it even better, all of my travel is paid for, even the travel I do while not at work!!! Check out my work uniform...

Picture: My work outfit

James has done a few more weeks labouring, still coming home with paint in his hair and saw dust up his nose, as well as complaining of a sore back all the time. He's a hard worker I suppose, but I am starting to get a little tired of his complaining. However, I usually feel sorry for him when he walks in the door because his hands are, most of the time, covered in cuts and grazes from sanding and stuff.

Since leaving St Albans, we have still been keeping in touch with Chris and Kay, and her daughter Kirsty and her boyfriend Grant. So far we have been out to a pub in Camden (near our place) for drinks and dinner with Kirsty and Grant, and one weekend they took us to Newmarket, where we stayed with Grant's Mum the whole weekend and went to the races. The races were great, but I'll leave that blog to James... I'll just put a few photos here for you to look at...

Picture: James and I at the pub with Kirsty and Grant

Picture: James and I at the races in Newmarket

Picture: Kirsty and I at the races in Newmarket

Last Sunday, we went and visited the Queen at Buckingham Palace. It also was the warmest weather we've had since being here, and the Londoners refered to it as a Heat Wave!!! We went on the London Eye and walked through Green Park to the castle, where thousands of people were half naked, sunbaking in the park! Yes, they show off their white meat by stripping down to their underwear... such a strange sight! The Monday after, there were so many Lobsters getting around. It is like they've never, ever seen sunlight in their whole entire life. Unfortunately for us though, this 'Heat Wave' didn't last all that long, and now we're back into our 10-11 degree days :-( I do think I'm becoming more tolerant to this weather though, believe it or not. Oh, the guards that we saw at the obligatory were very scary... I tried to have my picture next to them, but I was very hesitant to stand too close to them. James called me a scardy cat, but he was just as scared (although he'll never admit it).

Pictures: In front of the guards, up in the London Eye and Buckingham Palace (where we had tea with the Queen).

That's all from me, for now :-)
Leah x x

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